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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:20:08
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

by ship

1. The ship was found by accident in 1987 by the Guangzhou salvage bureau and a British underwater salvage company.

2. It was designed by Shanghai Ship Design Institute and took fifteen months to build.

3. Now a plant in northern Thailand can ship directly to places like Da Nang by road.

4. The ship was intercepted by sea patrols of Fujian Public Security on Saturday night.

5. The ship was hit by sea ice and two fissures appeared in the cabin.

6. Another solution is to fly the goods to the Middle East first and then ship them to Europe by sea.

7. He left Harvard University to travel to Athens on a cargo ship and then by train to compete.

8. The probe is sending data to NASA's Cassini mother ship above Saturn, which relays them to the ESA by way of NASA.

9. The port call by a PLA Navy ship represents an important chapter in military exchanges between the two countries.

10. Port security has long been identified as a key weak point for terror attacks, including the need to scan cargo containers coming into the country by ship.

by ship的意思

1. My passengers and I were rescued by the NOAA ship Rainier.

2. A ship in sail, a blooming flower, a town at night, a lovely poem, leaf shadows, a child`s grace, the starry skies, apple trees in spring—the thought of beauty—these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by draught.

3. by ship在线翻译

3. Misconduct charges have been filed by a California maritime agency has filed against the American captain at the helm of a Chinese container ship that hit the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on November 7, spilling 58, 000 gallons of fuel and fouling 40

4. Because that i have never by ship, i have an unspeakable feeling, and i feel pretty horrible.


6. Loss and/or damage caused by heat, ship's sweat and odour, hoop-rust, breakage of packing

7. by ship的意思

7. Even by modern standard, the 46000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.

8. The ground acceleration, velocity and displacement were obtained by numerical calculations. On the basis of the modeling the effects of the following factors on the ground motion have been studied: the pure strike-ship fault and the complex strike-slip fault with normal component, the instaneously rupturing fault and the fanlt of rupture propagating in a limit velocity, the fanlt with local high stress drop or local barrier.

9. Visibility: This shows how easy it is for the ship itself to be found at sea by the enemy.

10. For a small charge we'll strip the frame, powder coat it and ship it back to you by UPS Ground.

11. Because of the type of merchandise, we can only ship by rail.

12. It is caused mainly by industrial underwater explosions, ocean drilling, and ship engines.

13. However, underwater baseplate installation by drilling ship has some disadvantages as follows: long occupancy time of drilling rig, high operation cost, complicated operation process, higher requirement of sea situation and so on.

14. By ship or cargo vehicles will be sent to Hong Kong, the Hong Kong arrangement with the aircraft.

15. The ship's bow was blown off by a mine.

16. The inspection carried out by PSC inspectors verified that our ship has burnt out the oil sludge in the incinerator.

17. Article 170 Where a ship has caused damage to another ship and persons, goods or other property on board that ship, either by the execution or nonexecution of a manoeuvre or by the nonobservance of navigation regulations, even if no collision has actually occurred, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply.

18. by ship

18. The main achievements of the thesis are as follows: Firstly, the author has analyzed and summarized the restrictions of the actual ship transportation cost control in the shipping company of our country by making investigations to one shipping company.

19. She took her stand by the huge black hull of Ulysses'ship which was middlemost of all, so that her voice might carry farthest on either side, on the one hand towards the tents of Ajax son of Telamon, and on the other towards those of Achilles- for these two heroes, well-assured of their own strength, had valorously drawn up their ships at the two ends of the line.
她 站在俄底修斯的海船上,乌黑、宽大、深旷,停驻在船队中部,以便一声呼喊,便可传及两翼,既可及达忒拉蒙之子埃阿蒙的营地,亦可飘至阿基琉斯的兵棚――坚信自己的刚勇和臂力,他俩把匀称的海船分另u停驻在船队的两头。

20. Finally, the transfer alignment between a master inertial navigation system and a slave inertial navigation system of a large ship is studied. Three schemes of transfer alignment by respectively using a real lever-arm and the standard Kalman filter, a nominal lever-arm and the standard Kalman filter, a nominal lever-arm and the H(subscript ∞) filter are compared.

  • 临近词

We sent our furniture on by ship.(我们提前把家具水运过去了。)
Explorers had tried to reach the North Pole by ship, dogsled and balloon, but all fell short, and scores had died trying.(探险家们曾将尝试坐船、坐热气球或用狗拉雪橇来到达北极点,但都失败了,死在探险过程中的就有几十人。)
Midstream means the transportation of new oil by ship routes and pipelines.(中游是指通过船运和管道运输新开采的石油。)
Can you go by ship or train? How do you go to school?(你可以坐船或火车吗?你是怎么样去上学?)
I got there by ship.(我搭船去那儿。)
It was a long journey by ship but we really enjoyed it.(乘轮船这是一段很长的旅程,但是我们真的很喜欢。)
If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line.(假如你乘船越过太平洋,你将穿过国际日期变更线。)
Do you like traveling by air better than traveling by ship?(与乘船相比,你更喜欢坐飞机旅行吗?)
If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the International Date Line.(如果你乘坐轮船横渡太平洋,你会穿越国际日期变更线。)
How are you going there, by ship or by plane?(你怎么去那里,乘船还是坐飞机?)
by ship是什么意思 by ship在线翻译 by ship什么意思 by ship的意思 by ship的翻译 by ship的解释 by ship的发音 by ship的同义词